Saturday, 4 May 2019

Goodbye, everyone!

Hi all, I am back! But unfortunately....................................................
This is my last  last post 😢😢😢😢

First of all, I would like to express my highest gratitude as I have experienced many great things throughout  14 weeks in the class of Internet Technologies for Language Learning.

Not to mention that I have learned so many technologies that I never come across before where it will be beneficial for future use. 

Apart from that, it is an honorable experience for me to be a student to one precious lecturer named, Madam Azidatun who posses lots of patience, charisma and all to teach this subject. Thank you for guiding me a lot.

Alhamdulillah, this subject has been finished well by me with the help of classmates as well as my lecturer. Thank you!

So, to cut it short, if anyone of you have any improvement or suggestions or what for my blog, feel free to drop a comment below. 
Till we meet again! 💙💗💚💛💜

Lesson 13

Lesson 13

Hi! Huhu I only have one week left to post 😩😩😩

So for the second last post, I want to tell to all of you about my courseware entitled, sentence pattern. Credits to my lecturer, Madam Azida who tirelessly taught me on how to handle the courseware but still
still           still              still
huhu sorry madam 😢

I had difficulties in handling the it. I mean its hard to do the transition, the effects of the text and all but luckily, we had managed to do it all. So after twist and turns, here is the link to my courseware! 
No need to praise me, I know it's cool 😆

Lesson 12

Lesson 12

Assalamualaikum everyone! I am sooooooooo excited to write this post because I have learned something great in the class today!
jengjengjeng guess what is it?


It is the fastest e-learning authoring tool for creating lesson which includes scenarios, gamification, branching, assessments and more. So in here, you can creatively design your lesson as well as practices for the students. Sounds cool isnt it?

Why don't you try now? You'll be loving it 

Lesson 11

Lesson 11

It has been a long week for me to go through since I have tons of assignments to do 😞 but thank you guys for still being here to read my post! 💚💛

As for week 11, I have presented about one of ID models which is Guaranteed Learning. 

So what is it? How it helps the learners to acknowledge the lesson better?
First, it was made as an approach to systematic design where it involves several components: 

  • Design a task analysis
  • Develop criterion tests and performance measures
  • Develop interactive instructional materials
  • Validate the interactive instructional materials
  • Create simulations or performance activities (Case Studies, Role Plays, and Demonstrations)

Hopefully, it can somehow enhance a better learning process for everyone. 
See you again! ✌

Lesson 10

Lesson 10

Hi everybody! I am in week 10 now. 4 weeks to go 👀👀👀

Throughout this week, I have learned about something beneficial for me in the future which is an 


So what is it exactly? It is all about figuring the needs of the learner, defining objective then creating some interaction to achieve that particular objective. It is basically based in two learning theories which are:
1. Behaviorist 
2. Constructivist

ID also has been used in computer assisted language learning (CALL) where it creates a courseware for learning. Not only that, it is very convenience since it can be used inside or outside of the lesson. 

So there are different types of Instructional Design Models such as:

GAGNE 9 Events

Guaranteed Learning

Dick and Carey


Rapid Prototyping

ARCS Models

I guess that's all for my post today. See you again!

Wednesday, 27 March 2019

Lesson 9

Lesson 9

Hello! ✋

Fuhh..After all the thing that I've said in the previous post, so here is our explainer video about Plogging. First thing first, why plogging above all things?
Haaaaaa since plogging has been made well known in other countries, Malaysia needs to catch up too!

So,check out more about plogging in here guys! 
Thank you for watching 👏
Ps: You can also give us a like in the youtube 😚 

Lesson 8

Lesson 8

There is an assignment that needs attention here!!

So as for assignment this time, I have instructed to create an animated informative video. The theme given for the video is campaign. 

So what for?????

It needs to raise awareness or educate a viewer about something. Then, my group and I have discussed on what topic it should be. 
1. Plogging
2. Veggielicious
3. No plastic bag

So we go for Plogging because it is an interesting activity that have to be made well known in Malaysia. Next, in order to do so, we need to use a powtoon! Remember powtoon that we had talked on the last post?

Even so, we as a group still having difficulties in making the video using powtoon. It is hard to adjust the time limit, the fade in and out and all. So yeah,
wish us luck ok!

Goodbye, everyone!

Hi all, I am back! But unfortunately.................................................... This is my last   last post 😢😢😢😢 Fir...