Sunday, 24 February 2019

Lesson 4

Lesson 4

Hello you alls! Here we meet again! 💙💚💛💜

Today's post, let's talk a bit about PODCAST.

      PODCAST!            PODCAST!           PODCAST!💥

''Youuuuuuu, what is Podcast actually? Someone does not know here!''


an audio/ video file - Broadcast via internet - Downloaded to computer/mobile devices - Terms come from Ipod (apple, portable mp3 player) and Broadcast

So why bother to podcast here? First, podcast can improve your listening skill while you are listening to existing podcast and next, it also can enchance your speaking skill where you need to create your own podcast.

Sounds fun isnt it? So lets PODCASTING NOW!

Lesson 3

Lesson 3

Hi everyone. 
Have you guys been well?

It has been a while for me to have a nice rest 😪 

but jeng jeng jeng 😁, the thing that makes me eager to tell to all of you is about a Search Engine and Online Database.

''Oh eh?, So whats the good?''
Hahaha yes yes, let me briefly tell you here. 

Search Engine is basically a web-based tool that makes its users able to locate information or whatever they would like on the World Wide Web.

Google!     Yahoo!      Internet Explorer!   

So, as for the search engine, it can be divided into two which are: 


Meta Search Engine

A multiple search engines that give result based on the result that possible to find from other search engine.


Specialized Search Engine

Focus on some specific field or topic and hardly be found in general purposes in the search engine.

Ex: Google Scholar


And yeahhhhhhhh, another thing that makes me so waaaaa to talk here is about........
Haa, take a guess please!

The three surfaces of web! 😨

It is interesting isnt it to know that for 23 years I have alive, I had only used 4% of the whole internet! So, how about yours?

Not only that, through out this week, I also got to learn about CMC.
Computer Medicated Communication
- Can be referred as any form of communication 
- 2 or more people 
- Via separate computer

          ASYNCHRONOUS CMC         



Real Time

Message are not exchange immediately

Allow for direct communication

Emails, blogs, forums

Chat rooms, Video Conference

So, I hope the post I have made this time will be beneficial for those who's currently looking for this kind of things. And yeah,
most welcome in advance 😎

Sunday, 10 February 2019

Lesson 2

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Lesson 2

For the second week, I get to learn about CALL. Haaaa so do you ever heard about CALL?


So, there are 4 kinds of Call that called, CALL Programme which varies from each other according to their function.

CALL Specific Software

Well Based Learning Material

Generic Software

Computer Mediated Communication (cmc) Programme

Apart from that, in the class, the lecturer also taught us about the Progression of CALL based on certain criteria.

1. Behavioriste  CALL
  • Involves repetition
  • Primarily used for Audio-Lingual Method
  • As teachers' aid
2. Communicative CALL
  • Focus on the usage of language 
  • Teacher grammar indirectly
  • Allow students to freely apply original utterance
3. Integrated CALL
  • Integration of real world materials
  • Started with the use of CD-Rom
  • Develops through out the internet

Above all, I think that the development of CALL is very convenient to the students as well as the teachers to apply because not only it reduce the usage of paper but also it improves students interest to learn in those particular subject since it has nice graphic, audio and all. 

Thus, the learning using CALL need to be continuously practice because it is a piece of cake! 😍

So guys, lets strive through CALL now! 💙💚💛💜💓

Goodbye, everyone!

Hi all, I am back! But unfortunately.................................................... This is my last   last post 😢😢😢😢 Fir...